
Think:Act Ideas for Action

Think:Act's bonus PDF analyzes the dynamics of the global economy and the shifts from a globalized to a more regionalized world order. Ideas for Action reveals how to handle this transition successfully with data and in-depth insights from Stefan Schaible, the Global Managing Partner of Roland Berger.

The changing face of globalization

Sign up now to receive this issue of Think:Act Ideas for Action – a PDF containing an outlook on the transformation of globalization, including a checklist on how to prepare your company for this change.

Think:Act Ideas for Action

Think:Act's bonus PDF analyzes the dynamics of the global economy and the shifts from a globalized to a more regionalized world order. Ideas for Action reveals how to handle this transition successfully with data and in-depth insights from Stefan Schaible, the Global Managing Partner of Roland Berger.


The next chapter of globalization is starting to take shape - the global economy is pivoting form offshoring to nearshoring.

This Think:Act Ideas for Action explores the forces reshaping our notion of globalization. The shift in the global economy from a globalized to a regionalized order means emerging challenges for organizations. For this, it is necessary for global players to rethink and reassess their entire business model to stay competitive on a rearranged game board. Check out our new Think:Act bonus PDF and learn how to get ready for a regionalized world.


Roland Berger's Think:Act magazine informs companies what they need to know about the accelerating change the business world is undergoing in the post-pandemic-era. With features articles, analysis, and in-depth interviews, this issue of Think:Act helps you get to grips with the acceleration and shows you how your company can thrive in the new reality.